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big T & Lil t - A Star Wars Podcast

Feb 24, 2020


Welcom4. Schedulinge to Episode 13 of big T & LIL T! This episode's topics include:

- The Clone Wars Season 7 is finally here

- Break down Episode 1 - Bad Batch

- Getting excited for...

Feb 17, 2020


Welcome to Episode 12 of big T & LIL T! This episode's topics include:

- Get ready for Clone Wars Season 7

- Finish up backstory of the Darksaber!

- We review Rebels S3|Ep15 - Trials of the Darksaber; Rebels S3|Ep11 - Legacy of Mandalore

Feb 10, 2020


Welcome to Episode 11 of big T & LIL T! This episode's topics include:

- Talk a lil Superbowl

- Backstory of the Darksaber!

- We review The Clone Wars S5|Ep16 - Lawless; Rebels S3|Ep11 - Visions and Voices