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big T & Lil t - A Star Wars Podcast

Sep 17, 2020


Welcome to Episode 35 of big T & LIL t! This episode's topics include:

- LIL t is back

-  We review the two new trailers.  The Mandalorian Season 2 teaser trailer and the Hunted Star Wars Squadrons trailer. 

- Get you caught up about fishing, Birthdays, school

- Check out...

Sep 3, 2020


Welcome to Episode 34 of big T & LIL t! This episode's topics include:

- Big T is solo

- HUGE News Week talking about Lego Skywalker Trailer, Squadrons Single Player Trailer, High Republic Yoda and Mandalorian Season 2 drops October 30th. 

- Talk some wrassling with WWE Summerslam and...