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big T & Lil t - A Star Wars Podcast

Jan 28, 2022

Welcome to Episode 88 of big T & LIL t! This episode's topics include:

- Twitch Fun with Madden 22, Rubber Bandits and Forza 5

- We break down the new Disney Plus show The Book of Boba Fett - Chapter 5: Return of the Mandalorian

- No Mando Tag Team, just Mando.  Mando meets some old friends, we get to meet some old...

Jan 21, 2022


Welcome to Episode 87 of big T & LIL t! This episode's topics include:

- Twitch Fun with Madden 22, Rubber Bandits and Forza 5

- We break down the new Disney Plus show The Book of Boba Fett - Chapter 4: The Gathering Storm

- Last Flashback, Tattoo Palor, More of Jabba's Palace,...

Jan 14, 2022


Welcome to Episode 86 of big T & LIL t! This episode's topics include:

- Happy New Year!!!

- Twitch Fun with Madden 22, Rubber Band Party and Forza 5

- We break down the new Disney Plus show The Book of Boba Fett - Chapter 3: The Streets of Mos Espa

- Space Vespa Street Gang, Back to the...

Jan 7, 2022


Welcome to Episode 85 of big T & LIL t! This episode's topics include:

- Happy New Year!!!

- Celebrated Trent's Bday

- We break down the new Disney Plus show The Book of Boba Fett - Chapter 2: Tribes of Tatooine

- Back to Kamino, Swoop Bike Gangs, Toshi Station!!!, Twin Hutts, Black...

Jan 2, 2022


Welcome to Episode 84 of big T & LIL t! This episode's topics include:

- Happy New Year to galactic citizens

- Happy 9th Birthday to LIL t himself, Trent!!!

- We break down the new Disney Plus show The Book of Boba Fett - Chapter 1: Stranger in a Strange Land

- And much, much...