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big T & Lil t - A Star Wars Podcast

Mar 27, 2023

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Welcome to Episode 139 of big T & LIL t! This week's episode we got another double header.  So we are discussing Bad Batch Season 2 Episode 14 - Tipping Point and
then the Mandalorian Season 3 Chapter 20 - The Foundling

  • Enjoying Fortnite Mega with the new Chapter 4 Season 2 ! 
  • Echo saves some Clones from the clutches of the Empire but they don't know where they are taking them until Crosshair sends a message what will the Bad Batch Crew do???
  • Ragnar gets captured and it us to Bo to lead the war party to save this kid from the clutches a weird dragon thingy and find out who final resques the Grogu from the 501st, super fun surprise!!
  • LIL t and LIL e get some more pets and the Hoffman family expands!
  • And so much more!