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big T & Lil t - A Star Wars Podcast

Mar 13, 2023

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Welcome to Episode 137 of big T & LIL t! This week's episode is like one of those crazy wrassling ladder matches.  Everyone is fighting for a spot for the shot at this week's episode.  So we are discussing Bad Batch Season 2 Episodes:

10 - Retrieval
11 - Metamorphosis
12 - The Outpost

Then the Mandalorian Season 3 Episodes
The Chapter 17 - The Apostate
The Chapter 18 - The Mines of the Mandalore

- Enjoying Fortnite Mega with the new Chapter 4 Season 2 drop on the 10th. 
- On the road, this episode is dedicated to Uncle Ted.

- We can't stop thinking about the Mythosaur!!!

- And so much more