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big T & Lil t - A Star Wars Podcast

Nov 30, 2020


Welcome to Episode 42 of big T & LIL t! This episode's topics include:

- We do a review of the Chapter 12 - The Jedi of The Mandalorian Season 2 with our special guest, Garrick Enns.

- big T wins the bet against LIL t.

- Our heads exploded trying to figure how this season ends.

- Check...

Nov 23, 2020


Welcome to Episode 41 of big T & LIL t! This episode's topics include:

- We do live commentary of Chapter 12 - The Siege of The Mandalorian Season 2.  

- We do a quick recap of the Lego Star Wars Holiday Special

- Check out our; Playing THPS1+2 and so much...

Nov 16, 2020


Welcome to Episode 40 of big T & LIL t! This episode's topics include:

- Recap of our week; More THPS & Super Lucky Tales Fun!

- We do live commentary of Chapter 11 - The Heiress of The Mandalorian Season 2.  

- Check out our; Playing THPS1+2 and so much...

Nov 9, 2020


Welcome to Episode 39 of big T & LIL t! This episode's topics include:

- Recap of our week; More THPS Fun!

- We review Chapter 10 - The Passenger of The Mandalorian Season 2.  

- We take a look at Lego Star Wars Holiday Special Trailer and Lego Star Wars Snowflake Snack short.

- Check...

Nov 2, 2020


Welcome to Episode 38 of big T & LIL t! This episode's topics include:

- Recap some Halloween Fun

- We review Chapter 9 - The Marshal of The Mandalorian Season 2.  

- Check out our; Playing THPS1+2 and so much more.